What is the root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment.

What is the root canal treatment? This question oftenly asked by our patient at Aurora Yonge Dental.

First of all the “root canal” is a part of a tooth of the tooth structure.

Inside the root canal is a pulp of the tooth. The pulp contains the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells.

A tooth can be divided by two parts. The first one, above the gum is a crown of the tooth. Second part is the root below a gum. The pulp inside the tooth provides moisture to the surrounding material. The nerves in the pulp providing temperature sensitivity to hot and cold and pain.

When and why the root canal needed.

First of all our doctors at Aurora Yonge Dental always giving to our patients the choice before the endodontic treatment.

Unfortunately the alternative for the endodontic treatment is only one-extraction of the tooth.

In most cases root canal treatment needed when the patient is in pain.

Before consider the endodontic treatment our doctors at Aurora Yonge Dental asking the patient about the nature of pain and other symptoms in order to make sure that the nerve reaction inside the root is irreversible. The x-ray needs to  be taken to confirming the diagnose for the root canal treatment.

Trauma of the tooth can also lead to root canal treatment even without pain or any other symptoms.

Another reason for the root canal treatment is when the patient has very large restoration(“filling”) in the tooth and the tooth can brake and needs a crown or the patient has a tooth missing and needs a dental bridge.

In booth cases the endodontic treatment might be needed, but not always, before the crown or the bridge.

Our doctors at Aurora Yonge Dental believes that it is very important to explain the patient the reason for root canal therapy depending on one’s individual case and also to provide the patient with choices for an alternative treatment as one’s might have.


If you have any question or to book an appointment please call us : 905 900 03 37

Or e-mail : adental@rogers.com



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