What is the reason for the wisdom teeth to be removed?

What is the reason for the wisdom teeth to be removed?

This question our patients asking us, at Aurora Yonge Dental Center every day.

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars teeth.

It could be three different scenarios with the wisdom teeth.

They might be fully erupted, partly impacted and completely impacted.

Also it depends on the person some people having all four of them, some two-three or one and some none.

First reason for the wisdom teeth removal is when they causing the pain. It may apply to all three scenarios above.

When the wisdom teeth are erupting they aggressively  pushing first and second molars out of the way which can cause misalignment and orthodontic treatment necessity in future.

Wisdom TeethPartially impacted/partially erupted  wisdom teeth begin to erupt  through your gums, but don’t have enough room to erupt properly. Because it is very difficult to clean them and the area around, they can cause inflammation and swelling. Very painful condition called pericoronitis.  EXTRACTION IS RECOMMMENDED IN THAT CASE TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM.


COMPLETELY IMPACTED wisdom teeth that are not visible and  hidden underneath the gums. They could be soft tissue( gums) impacted or jaw bone impacted. Depending on the angulations, they can push the  adjacent teeth and cause damage to the roots.

In worse cases , impacted wisdom teeth can produce fluid-filled cysts. These cysts can cause damage to your jaws, possibly  damage your nerves and  lead to tumors. At Aurora Yonge Dental our doctors recommending to take out  those teeth as soon as the problem is detected. With no treatment at the earliest stage, any of these problems can cause permanent, irreversible  damage.

To be continued…

If you have any questions or to book an appointment call us at Aurora Yonge Dental Centre:  905 900 0337 or E-mail us at adental.com.

You also can visit us www. aurorayongedental.com

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